Thought leadership
for the curious investor
Emerging insights, trends, perspectives,
and resources for greater context.
For those who love to listen
For those who love to watch
For those who love to read
The Power of Perpetual Giving
In recent years, my colleagues at Independent Wealth Partners and I have noticed that philanthropy is becoming more front-of-mind with clients.
The advantages of using an adviser to help you manage your money
The advantages of using an adviser to help you manage your money
Should I move my UK pension back to Australia?
Should I move my UK pension back to Australia?
The intangible benefits of independent financial advice
Sometimes the value that we provide as independent financial planners is tangible - we can specifically point to some tax savings that have been made, some social security that has been gained or some investments that have delivered gains. However, more often than not the value can be intangible.
Retirement: It's more than just the money!
For a long time, the media, super funds and most financial planners have given what was thought to be very sage advice to those about to retire which has focussed primarily on the money.